Thursday, December 18, 2008


Landon went and saw Santa today with his cousin Sean. Sean was a good little 3 month old and was oblivious to it all. Landon on the other hand at almost 21 months old wanted nothing to do with the jolly old man.
We got the "classic" Santa pic today.
Merry Christmas!
T,J, & L

Monday, December 1, 2008

Let the fun begin.

Thanksgiving was a blast. All Landon wanted to do was sit or ride on the riding lawn mower or sit on the tractor. This seems to be the newest thing, only wanting to be on machines. It is getting bad at stores with Christmas trains and rides. Anytime he sees one all I hear is "mommy pweese, pweese". Sadly, Landon is learning that please does not guarantee everything you want. He is finding this hard to believe and acting like a bear. I gave in at the mall yesterday because he was so good while we were in Old Navy and kept saying "choo choo, pweese mommy". What I thought was going to be the highlight of the day turned into a nightmare when it was time to get off. I was one of those parents you say thank goodness that is not my child. He threw himself on the floor screaming, then decided he would fight me to get back in the stroller. I promptly got the heck out of the mall and corrected him when we got to the car. That made him even madder and he cried the whole way home. Oh, the joys of hitting the terrible two that no one tells you start at one and progressively get worse the closer they get to two.
Today, I had to go in the office and took Lan with me since it is me and him during the day and then went to Publix to get a few items I forgot. It started again when I put him in a normal cart. Nope, that wouldn't do. Landon HAD to HAVE the cart that is the monster of all carts in size. The one that looks like a car. Since he asked nicely I switched him into it and he "drove" us through the entire store for our five items. When using this cart you should at least pile up enough to spend several hundred dollars. Everything was great with the world until it was time to get in the car and the tantrums started again. Thankfully it only lasted a few minutes compared to yesterday. My corrections are finally starting to pay off. It is back to preschool tomorrow and I am happy to get some time by myself to get some work done without Landon needing attention. I am in trouble at the end of the month when he is out for two full weeks! There is sure to be a common thing in all pics to come. In order to get a pic he must be "driving" something.m I took these with my phone so they are a little blurry.
The Choo-Choo at the mall.
The best invention for moms with boys!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dedication Day

Today was a beautiful fall day outside. It was also Child Dedication at our Church this morning. Most of our family made it for the short dedication. I want to thank you all for coming, I know it didn't last long but it meant a lot to Tye and I for you to be there. Our Pastor preached on marriage today and how it is in trouble in our Country. I love how he doesn't try to be politicaly correct and will speak from The Word of God. Check out Ephesians 5:22-24;32-33. He also touched on the parent/child relationship. Matthew 7:11. I loved how the message went with dedicating Landon today or I should say it was really Tye and I making a promise to raise Landon in a Christian home and the Church to help us and hold us accountable. I find that both will be very important throughout his life. I have also been learning how important my marriage is in raising Landon and our future children. It is amusing how weeks before this sermon today things have been working in my life to show me how important it really is. Here are a few pics from today.

Friday, November 21, 2008


I got a girl's night out with my mom and sister tonight. Our wonderful husbands stayed home with each of our small boys. THANK YOU guys! My mom was so sweet to treat us to dinner at Tye's favorite place Applebees. Since he worked there through College we haven not returned to that Restaurant since. Then we went to the movie Twilight along with a bunch of pre-teen girls. They did make the movie more fun by cheering when Edward made his appearance and oow'ing and aww'ing through every kiss seen. I still prefer the book over the movie but considering the books content they did a good job with it. If you have not read the book you must read it before going to the movie or you will be lost. Now I am ready for the sequels! Landon had a wonderful day today. His great grandad came and kept him for a few hours while I went to an appointment and when I got back my Grandmother had come over too with food for him and were stuffing his face. I really think they don't believe I feed the I took him with me to my office to pick up and drop off things and took him in for the first time not in a stroller. He was loving all the phones in the office and found a new challenge of climbing the steep staircase that he was pulled off of. My Listing Coordinator now understands why he is always strapped in a stroller when we go in! Lan played with Daddy all night while I was out and was fast asleep when I got home. It is also Lando's 20 month birthday today! I can't believe how fast the time is flying by.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


This morning while I was getting work done like usual I gave Landon his cup of dry cereal for breakfast. He was being very good and playing nicely. He kept coming back to me for "moooore momma pweese" cereal. I thought to myself this kid is really hungry today but kept refilling at request just delighted he was actually wanting to eat! I get up and go check on him in the living room and I discover him dropping cereal piece by piece into Tye's beloved air filter. The minute Lan's eyes catch me looking he turns it on and a blizzard of cereal pieces fly through the air. It scared Landon and I couldn't help but laugh. I hope Tye can shake all the pieces out when he gets home this evening!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I upgraded today

I have never been one for tech savvy gadgets other than GPS so I don't get lost every two seconds. Never understood it and never wanted to learn how to operate things. Well after a very very long morning and picking Lan up from preschool somewhere between the car and his class my cell phone disappeared. I looked over the school parking lot twice and tore my car apart but nothing. My little worth nothing cell phone was gone. I don't care a thing about the actual phone, it is that little SIM chip in there that holds ALL my contact numbers from the past 5 years that I want back. I don't understand how a cell phone can just disappear into thin air! I am praying someone found it and will turn it in tomorrow. Then I left L with his great grandparents that were gracious enough to keep him while I went to my closing today. Still without my phone but Grandma let me take hers with me. Since Lan was doing so good I decided to stop at AT&T after my closing to get a new phone since it is my business line and only way to communicate without having a house phone. I decided to upgrade my little self and get a Blackberry. The thing is hard to figure out! It is more like a computer than a phone! It took me five minutes to make my first call on it. I am catching up with the times now and will have Internet with me everywhere I go. Don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I do have 30 days to take it back so if I am still lost with this magic device in a few weeks it is going back! Now this is one phone Landon will NOT be touching!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Never to early

to start teaching a willing 19 month old to vacuum. Landon LOVES vacuum cleaners. He has been crazy about them since he could crawl at 6 months old. As we were cleaning the house last night now that Landon is finally starting to feel better again Tye pulled out the vacuum and Lan was instantly excited. When I came back from the bedroom into the living room Tye was letting Lan vacuum the living room. The kid was having a blast! I grabbed the camera and started snapping away and took a few short videos. The front end of the vacuum was not touching the floor the entire time but what does that matter, I just hope he enjoys this as much when he is 7 or 8 years old! Who am I kidding by that age it will feel like punishment, but I will take what I can get right now in this moment.
I am looking forward to this week of having NO sickies in the house and resuming life as we know it. It is sure to be a busy week after being house bound for seven days. I would love to go to Church this morning but I am going to make sure Lan is 100% better before being around other toddlers.